Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Manny being an idiot

Manny Ramirez hit home run No. 537, putting him ahead of Mickey Mantle.

I'm always bothered when a modern player passes Mantle on the home run list, not because most of them are likely PED users, but because Mantle's career was played mostly on one leg, thanks Joe D (you self-righteous sack of garbage), and mostly while Mantle was drinking himself in a stupor. Thanks Mick.

Th lasting image I have of Mantle is a photo from the Yankeeography (yes, it's self-important Yankee propaganda) of Mantle on a training room table with almost his entire leg bandaged - ankle to mid-thigh it seemed, although maybe memory colors it a bit. He played like that, was was still better than 98 percent of the guys on the field.

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