Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back from the break

The All-Star weekend oddity: Not Josh Hamilton going nuts in the home run derby, and losing in the last round. It’s a horrible format, even reworked to count the first two round as cumulative. Still,

Not the 15-innning game Tuesday night that lost my interest after 13. I didn’t go to bed until 3:30 that morning and I seriously expected the game to still be going, perhaps with lucky fans chosen from the crowd to throw an inning. No, it Andy Pettitte in Mystic. He’s got three or four days off, a bottomless bank account, and he goes to Mystic. I’m not saying anything, I’m just saying.

I hope the Yankees play .600 ball post-break, cause otherwise, football season’s coming early this year. I’m stoked for the Cowboys Super Bowl run, and inevitable and immediate self-destruction right after.

How about some offense guys? Just a little? OK?


Hapi for Papi said...

Ok Meo, I guess you're alright being a Cowboy fan & all but I got a question. What's up with your fans givin' Papelbon the business like that? Even you gotta admit he got a raw deal. Saw him in an interview the day of the game & he wanted to rip that reporter's skull out, trash, just trash!

John Meo said...

It might be because Papelbon had the nerve to suggest he was the guy that should close the game ... at Yankee Stadium ... instead of Mariano Rivera. That might have something to do with it. Admittedly, I only know that part. I don't know the context and I don't know if he was joking. I didn't bother to follow that "story." If that was the case, it's no surprise anyway. Overreaction is the way of the world. Plus, he is on the Red Sox. Isn't that reason enough?