Thursday, April 1, 2010

Let me be the last ...

To welcome the new baseball season.

Hardly seems as if it ends these days. But, unlike most fans of baseball, I'm completely disinterested in the hot stove season, as it is unfortunately called.

As a Yankees fan, it's a lose-lose. Either the Yankees make big acquisitions (last season) and get crucified for ruining baseball and buying championships. Everyone loves a dynasty, a big dog to gun for. Or the Yankees do amazingly foolish things ... Jason Giambi, Kevin Brown, Randy Johnson, Javier Vasquez the first time (meaning giving away so much to get him, then dumping him in full-on panic mode) ... and they get crucified for TRYING to buy championships and still ruining baseball, but being dumb about ruining baseball and not even reaching the goal they obviously should every season. Duh.

So, bring on Sunday, and Opening Day and the real stuff. Much like the vast majority of the Yankees roster, I neither care about Spring Training, nor am I worried about losing my job because I make take a few months or weeks off.

The season is a marathon after all.

Now let's start picking 'em up and putting 'em down.

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