Tuesday, December 16, 2008

*Poof* goes the blogger

It's been a while, for those of you who bother to read this.

I last wrote about my jealousy of Hugh Jackman, a not unreasonable jealousy.

Today, I’m jealous of President Bush. No one’s ever thrown a shoe, let alone two, at me. But what makes this scenario better is how smoothly Bush handle the whole thing. He sidestepped each toss like Neo, not a shred of panic or fear. He even waved away the Secret Service guy who rushed the stage - a little too late. Suspend that guy.

Bush said he wasn’t bothered. Of course, it’s a big deal that shoes/feet are some kind of Middle Eastern insult. Message to everyone ... insult an American with an American insult. Flip him the bird. Call his mom a whore ... whatever. It’s every American’s right ... no, every American’s DUTY to be ignorant of other cultures. Bush is setting a brilliant example for the rest of us. Dodge the shoe, shrug it off, play it cool and have no idea ... and more importantly ... no care you’ve been insulted.

Not surprisingly, despite how easily Bush played it, he’s being made fun of and criticized. Dude threw shoes at our president, and he’s the hero. Bush is the idiot. I don’t get. If Anderson Cooper hurdled his Guccis at Hugo Chavez, Cooper’d get one between the eyes before the second shoes hit the floor.

I can only imagine how relieved Bush must be now he’s stepping away from the White House. It must feel like senior year of high school. You know you’re graduating, so you show up late, leave early, blow off homework. And now he’s got one last story to tell his grandchildren.

“See here kids. Ma last trip to EYE-rack, this raport’r gone and tossed his shoes at me. His shoes!! Don’t that juss beat all? B’came a nash’nal hero he did. Good arm, too. Rangers coulda used ‘im. Video got about billion hits on youtube ... youtube? Video sharing site ... ya’know what, n’ermind. But, boy, did he take a whoppin’. I think Hugo Chavez gave him a boat. Buncha nutjobs ... yer gramp’s sure happyhe ain’t doin’ tha no more.”

Oh yeah, the Yankees spent about a trillion dollars on pitching. Burnett is a mistake. Sabathia will be fine. That’s three starters, plus Chamberlain, who should stay in the bullpen, but whatever.

Now ... about that offense.


Hapi for Papi said...

Meo once again you don't get it...Bush has ALWAYS been the idiot.

John Meo said...

You should change your name to Hippie for Papi.

Agreeing or disagreeing with Bush's policies and performance isn't the point.

Shoe-evading skill is. Keep up.

Dap said...

What a surprise, a Red Sox fan and a hippy liberal. Hapi for Papi, Bush has made mistakes during his presidency but what president hasn't? Is that the best you can do, he is in idiot? Is he a bad president? Maybe, but he is our President and I give the guy a lot of credit for shugging off the kind of lame insults the left wing has thrown at him the last 8 years.

Hapi for Papi said...

Gutterman, a Red Sox fan yes a hippie liberal no. To say Bush has made mistakes is an understatement but I digress this is a baseball blog not a political one just having a few fun jabs with my boy Meo.

John Meo said...

Hugs for everyone! From Obama. He can heal all things.