Friday, April 11, 2008

Wanger the Assassin

93 pitches and done. Wanger was deadly tonight. And although he's usually unreadable, he had a certain something that said "I mean business." I love complete games. In today's game, they just say so much more. A pitcher overcomes not only the opposition, but a trigger-happy manager - not just Joe Girardi - who thinks he has to go the bullpen to get people out.

He's an Asian terminator sent to the get ground ball outs.

Bobby Abreu has apparently overcome his fears of walls, but not his height limitations. Maybe a bigger glove would have helped pull back that JD Drew moonball. I'm surprised Drew didn't hurt himself rounding the bases.

Anyway, Abreu did leg out an infield hit that gave the Yankees a critical insurance run in their win against the Red Sox tonight.

The Yanks RISP hitting was atrocious again, but they got the runs they needed.

And you still can't say too many good things about Jose Molina. He's the best backup catcher in baseball, and probably would be a starter on most other teams.

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