Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Where's Ben?!

Giuseppe Franco and Gary Busey are huge parts of the Yankees' season. That Procede commercial will run at least 2,000 times during the season on YES, and that hug between those two, oh, that hug ...

Apparently Jennifer Garner doesn't watch YES or she'd be aware of what an accomplished and equal-opportunity embracer Gary Busey is. Busey apologized today for hugging Garner during the red carpet march at the Oscars. C'mon Jen, cut the guy some slack, he's 63, he's crazy and he was probably drunk. Maybe he mistook you for a light post or a mailbox.

Anyway, the big question is: Where was Ben when this was happening? Granted, getting in Busey's face is an invitation to meet Mr. Joshua, who is impervious to pain, but you gotta defend you territory.

Do not make eye contact with Busey. It makes him angry.

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