Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh Derek ...

This will not end well.

The Yanks shot themselves in the face with the Posada contract, now DJ wants in on the action, and he probably deserves it.

That said, I wish he would have gone the Paulie O route and done year-to-year contracts based on his health and production.

But that's a perfect world and the Yankees vast fortune can't make it such.

The Yankees will cave to Jeter's four-year demand, but God help him if he goes all Willie Mays on us.

Derek, buddy, we will turn on you. We will hurl invective at you. We will question your hustle, your health, your legacy. We shout unpleasant things at you, and when we leave the Stadium, or turn off the TV or radio, we will feel guilty and lament doing so, knowing you don't deserve any of it, but also knowing we have no other choice but to do so.

So, take your year and your money, as the Yankees will surely give it to you, as much for us and for the organization, but don't say we didn't warn you.

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