Monday, June 8, 2009

A-Rod on the Hudson

How do these celebrities pairings happen?

Does one group of people call the other's group of people and the people set up a meeting?

Or did A-Rod finally get his NetFlix copy of "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and think, that Kate Hudson, she's a cutie. I wonder if she'll get a malt with me? Or take a quick pop over to Paris for a late dinner?

Is Kate Hudson a Yankees fan? Doesn't she have to be?

Did she introduce A-Rod to Goldie and Kurt?

"Alex this is my mom, Goldie, and Snake Pliskin. I mean Jack Burton. I mean Tango, or was it Cash ...?"

"It's Kurt."

"Right, this is Kurt."

"This is Ale ..."

"We know honey, They guy with the steroids and the hooker, and the divorce ... Derek Jeter wasn't available? Or even that Milky guy? First it was the stoner, now this ..."


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