Woke up this morning, checked my phone and, yes, Yankees win again. Thanks Hideki Matsui. Thanks for your cooperation with team tradition, tossing your helmet and "forgetting" about the cream pie inbound for your strange, angular grill.
Of course, the MLB.com writer goes to great pain to describe Melky catching Hideki's lid, then A-Rod snatches it from him and parades it around the infield. Nice.
I expect nothing from Joba, (except high-quality meth) but I've always been a fan of Andy Pettitte. The guy knows how to pitch, if he sometimes battles himself. Seven-plus of one-run ball is more than you could reasonably expect from him.
If there's any doubt about what a great guy Derek Jeter is ...
Here he is receiving his MetLife Player of the Month award and shaking Snoopy's hand. He did this twice, despite the fact Snoopy is in fact some jerk making $7.50 per, and a fixture in the local theater community, probably high, too.
So good for you Derek ... even if you did stand several feet away from, I assume, everyone's favorite comic canine, while the he and MetLife rep got very, very close for the picture ... ick.
Also, Charles Schultz sucks. Sorry, it's true. Classic Peanuts is a sham and I won't stand for it.
A-Rod is crap report: Reason No. 3,446,784,234,564,456,198 why A-Rod sucks. First and third, one out, goes down looking, again. This stuff is forgotten when he's running around with the hero's helmet.
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