Friday, May 23, 2008

Mount Girardi

So, I missed the heroics last night. Figures. The Yankees play uninspired baseball for 8 2/3 innings, Joe Girardi goes postal on, from what I’m reading, was an inconclusive call at best, and then the magic happens.

Anthony DiComo’s story about the game waffles, but he seems to think it was Girardi’s tantrum that sparked the exciting Abreu walk and Cano single to end the game.

Maybe. Girardi, from my seat, had two choices - scream at the umpire, or have a stroke. The guy is so tightly wound and the Yankees are so awful, it has to be affecting his health.

Plus, he has Steinbrenners to deal with. Wouldn’t you rather work for Satan, or Bill Lumberg (look it up)? Yeah, me too.

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